When an item is listed in a Punchout Catalog it is assumed to be in stock and ready to be delivered. But some customers want to know real-time stock information for individual items. In this case you need to setup cXML pricing and availability requests. A pricing and availability request allows your customer to request a price and quantity available for a particular item directly from your Punchout Catalog. The request consists of an item part number, quantity and unit of measure.

The item part number is generally your part number or the manufacturer part number. The unit of measure is the packaging of the item, such as “EA” for each, “BX” for box or “CS” or case. The quantity is the quantity of items the customer is requesting. The pricing and availability request will search your inventory stock and return a response to the customer to indicate how many items are in stock at that moment.

Our Punchout Catalog fully supports cXML Pricing and Availability requests and can even be configured to disallow orders that would exceed the quantity availability. If you have a customer that is looking to request pricing and availability from your Punchout Catalog, contact us today at 1-877-415-3237.

Sample cXML Pricing and availability request:

<?xml version=&amp;quot;1.0&amp;quot; encoding=&amp;quot;UTF-8&amp;quot;?>
<!DOCTYPE PriceAvailabilityRequest SYSTEM &amp;quot;PriceAvailabilityMessage.dtd&amp;quot;>
      <Identity>[Authentication Identity]</Identity>
      <SharedSecret>[Shared Secret]</SharedSecret>
    <Customer code=&amp;quot;[Customer Code]&amp;quot;/>
    <Location code=&amp;quot;[Location Code]&amp;quot;/>
  <ProductRequest itemNumber=&amp;quot;1&amp;quot;>
    <SupplierPartNumber>[Part Number (SKU)]</SupplierPartNumber>
    <UnitOfMeasure quantity=&amp;quot;[UOM Qty]&amp;quot; unit=&amp;quot;[UOM]&amp;quot;/>