Another frequently asked question we get is “How fast can you setup a Punchout Catalog? My customer wants me setup within 30 days!”‚ The answer to this is, how fast do you need it?‚ In some cases we have setup a Punchout Catalog in one day. Ideally we...
We are often asked if it’s worthwhile to create a Punchout Catalog for just one customer, or if you should wait until you have a few customers asking for a Punchout Catalog. A Punchout Catalog is an investment in time, money and resources on your team so this...
Greenwing Technology is proud to announce the launch of the first fully responsive Punchout Catalog for Life Science Products.ƒš‚ As more of the eProcurement platforms support mobile approval and cloud-based shopping our team is leading the way with the first fully...
This is a actually a trick question since all industries can benefit from a Punchout Catalog. Over the past 15 years we’ve built Punchout Catalogs for everything from Bio Tech requisitions for research animals to a catalog that allows companies to requisition...